Source code for sans.limiter

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import time
import warnings
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack, ExitStack
from itertools import count, repeat, starmap
from math import ldexp
from random import random
from typing import (

import anyio
import httpx

from ._lock import ResetLock
from .errors import AgentNotSetError
from .response import Response
from .url import API_URL


__all__ = ["RateLimiter", "TelegramLimiter"]
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_KT = TypeVar("_KT")
_T = TypeVar("_T")

def _get_as_int(mapping: Mapping[_KT, Any], key: _KT, default: _T) -> int | _T:
        return int(mapping[key])
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        return default

class _Backoff:
    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> Iterator[float]:
        if item.stop is None or item.step == 0:
            indices = count(item.start, item.step)
            indices = range(item.start or 0, item.stop, item.step or 1)

        # Yields random numbers in the range of [0, 2**index)
        return map(ldexp, starmap(random, repeat(())), indices)

_backoff = _Backoff()

# TODO: refactor I/O flows into multiple functions
class RateLimiter(httpx.Auth):
    httpx Auth utility object which implements ratelimiting, User-Agent management,
    and exponential backoff, while adding XML support to the resulting Response.

    _agent: ClassVar = ""
    _lock: ClassVar = ResetLock()

    def _request_hook(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Request:
        agent = RateLimiter._agent
        if not agent:
            raise AgentNotSetError("sans has no set agent")
        request.headers["User-Agent"] = agent
        return request

    def _response_hook(self, response: httpx.Response) -> None:
        response_headers = response.headers
        # Retry-After is handled before this point
        xrlr = _get_as_int(response_headers, "RateLimit-Remaining", 1)
        if xrlr:
        xrlr = _get_as_int(response_headers, "RateLimit-Reset", 0)

[docs] def auth_flow( self, request: httpx.Request ) -> Generator[httpx.Request, httpx.Response, None]: if == request = self._request_hook(request) response = yield request response.__class__ = Response if == self._response_hook(response)
[docs] def sync_auth_flow( self, request: httpx.Request ) -> Generator[httpx.Request, httpx.Response, None]: recruitment_delay: int | None = getattr(self, "_recruitment_delay", None) is_telegram_limiter = recruitment_delay is not None with ExitStack() as lock_stack: if request.headers["Host"] == API_URL.netloc.decode( request.headers.encoding ): if is_telegram_limiter: lock_stack.enter_context(TelegramLimiter._lock) if TelegramLimiter._last_request is not None: time.sleep( max( TelegramLimiter._last_request + recruitment_delay - time.monotonic(), 0, ) ) lock_stack.enter_context(RateLimiter._lock) # The below is equivalent to: return (yield from self.auth_flow(request)) # but with exponential backoff, locking, and ratelimit retry added. # See for details flow = self.auth_flow(request) try: _yield = next(flow) except StopIteration as exc: assert exc.value is None return backoff = _backoff[:6] while True: try: _sent = yield _yield except GeneratorExit: flow.close() raise except BaseException as exc: try: _yield = flow.throw(exc) except StopIteration as exc: assert exc.value is None return else: status = _sent.status_code if status == 429: retry = _get_as_int(_sent.headers, "Retry-After", 0) if retry:"Ratelimit hit, retrying in %s seconds.", retry) remaining = _get_as_int( _sent.headers, "Ratelimit-Remaining", 0 ) if remaining and not is_telegram_limiter: # Unmarked Telegram API warnings.warn( "Telegram API was used without using sans.TelegramLimiter.", stacklevel=5, ) # Mark this as the Telegram API for next go around is_telegram_limiter = True # infer the recruitment delay before = time.monotonic() lock_stack.close() # let other requests go through lock_stack.enter_context( TelegramLimiter._lock ) # while acquiring the telegram lock in the outer stack if ( TelegramLimiter._last_request and TelegramLimiter._last_request > before ): # another task made a TG request while we were waiting # guess when we can make a request next if retry > 30: retry = ( TelegramLimiter._last_request + 180 - time.monotonic() ) else: retry = ( TelegramLimiter._last_request + 30 - time.monotonic() ) else: retry = before + retry - time.monotonic() time.sleep(max(retry, 0)) lock_stack.enter_context( RateLimiter._lock ) # re-enter the API lock backoff = _backoff[:6] continue elif status in [500, 502]: try: retry = next(backoff) except StopIteration: pass # out of retries else: LOG.debug( "Status %s received, retrying in %.0f seconds.", status, retry, ) time.sleep(retry) continue # retry with the same request try: _yield = flow.send(_sent) except StopIteration as exc: if is_telegram_limiter: TelegramLimiter._last_request = time.monotonic() assert exc.value is None return backoff = _backoff[:6]
[docs] async def async_auth_flow( self, request: httpx.Request ) -> AsyncGenerator[httpx.Request, httpx.Response]: recruitment_delay: int | None = getattr(self, "_recruitment_delay", None) is_telegram_limiter = recruitment_delay is not None async with AsyncExitStack() as lock_stack: if request.headers["Host"] == API_URL.netloc.decode( request.headers.encoding ): if is_telegram_limiter: await lock_stack.enter_async_context(TelegramLimiter._lock) if TelegramLimiter._last_request is not None: await anyio.sleep( max( TelegramLimiter._last_request + recruitment_delay - time.monotonic(), 0, ) ) await lock_stack.enter_async_context(RateLimiter._lock) # The below is equivalent to: return (yield from self.auth_flow(request)) # but with exponential backoff, locking, and ratelimit retry added. # See for details flow = self.auth_flow(request) try: _yield = next(flow) except StopIteration as exc: assert exc.value is None return backoff = _backoff[:6] while True: try: _sent = yield _yield except GeneratorExit: flow.close() raise except BaseException as exc: try: _yield = flow.throw(exc) except StopIteration as exc: assert exc.value is None return else: status = _sent.status_code if status == 429: retry = _get_as_int(_sent.headers, "Retry-After", 0) if retry:"Ratelimit hit, retrying in %s seconds.", retry) remaining = _get_as_int( _sent.headers, "Ratelimit-Remaining", 0 ) if remaining and not is_telegram_limiter: # Unmarked Telegram API warnings.warn( "Telegram API was used without using sans.TelegramLimiter.", stacklevel=5, ) # Mark this as the Telegram API for next go around is_telegram_limiter = True # infer the recruitment delay before = time.monotonic() await lock_stack.aclose() # let other requests go through await lock_stack.enter_async_context( TelegramLimiter._lock ) # while acquiring the telegram lock in the outer stack if ( TelegramLimiter._last_request and TelegramLimiter._last_request > before ): # another task made a TG request while we were waiting # guess when we can make a request next if retry > 30: retry = ( TelegramLimiter._last_request + 180 - time.monotonic() ) else: retry = ( TelegramLimiter._last_request + 30 - time.monotonic() ) else: retry = before + retry - time.monotonic() await anyio.sleep(max(retry, 0)) await lock_stack.enter_async_context( RateLimiter._lock ) # re-enter the API lock backoff = _backoff[:6] continue elif status in [500, 502]: try: retry = next(backoff) except StopIteration: pass # out of retries else: LOG.debug( "Status %s received, retrying in %.0f seconds.", status, retry, ) await anyio.sleep(retry) continue # retry with the same request try: _yield = flow.send(_sent) except StopIteration as exc: if is_telegram_limiter: TelegramLimiter._last_request = time.monotonic() assert exc.value is None return backoff = _backoff[:6]
class TelegramLimiter(RateLimiter): _lock: ClassVar = ResetLock() _last_request: ClassVar[float | None] = None def __init__(self, *, recruitment: bool) -> None: super().__init__() self._recruitment_delay = 180 if recruitment else 30